Join us in Pawnee Rock for the 15th Annual Predictable Genetics, Proven Performance Bull and Female Sale on March 1, 2025, selling 100+ Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus bulls and heifers. Check back for more details on the offering. The auction will be available through CCI.Live online. Register here prior to sale. See past sale info here.
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A new addition to the catalog this year is the $Durham index. While we did not print the actual rankings yet, we did print the top 10 in the offering and purebreds to account for heterosis. We think this index is the future in terms of finding cattle that excel in all phases of production without going to extremes.
While responsible genetic organizations and their clients gravitate toward seeing out data that balance the complete life cycle of the beef cow and her offspring in order to find which cattle have more stay
power and are therefore more profitable, so too can cattlemen who read this catalog via the $Durham index. This economic selection index engages the full suite of profit-driving EPDs for an all-purpose approach, pointing out animals that will truly affect the austere rancher’s bottom line.
Stockmen incorporating modern Shorthorn genetics into their herd aim to utilize the breed to inject maternal function, therefore generating higher-valued replacement females. $Durham recognizes this, and rewards sires whose progeny will excel at calving ease, fleshing ability and built-in longevity, while promoting moderate pay weight and keeping mature size in check. Further, the index considers a balanced, total production scenario where not only are daughters retained, but the male calves are marketed on a carcass grade and yield basis.
Bulls in this sale offering with the $Durham designation represent some of the most elite animals available to return increased profits to the crux of your business with your Shorthorn investment.
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